About Us

Christi and David have been tragically struck three times by suicide. It has been the navigation through grief with their children, family and supportive friends that has framed the journey leading to Speak2Save today. Their belief in taking pain and turning it for purpose is where the energy comes from to do their part in conquering this silent epidemic. One that wants to destroy the lives of loved ones and those left behind.

The unique mediums such as the Hope Bridge Movie, the S2S Hope Bridge Movie Events, and the Speak2Save Customized Platforms have been purposefully created and produced by the Speak2Save Founders to capture limitless, wide-ranges of audiences at Heart-Level. Taking such diverse dives with individuals and communities who are willing to help crush the stigma of mental health conditions and suicide is like bringing fresh oxygen to a culture that longs to recognize the issues and do something about it. It’s the utilization of such experiential models that are allowing all those who attend Speak2Save Events to breathe in and experience hope. Even a glimmer of it counts!

Speak2Save is a Movement to culturally change the way we look, listen and speak about mental health and suicide. A movement unlike any other that can move someone to reach for hope and know it really does exist.

Christi and David desire for you to know YOU are not alone, YOUR hurt is compassionately felt, YOUR voice is heard, YOUR struggle can be treated and YOUR life has purpose. If you feel connected to our mission, we are instantly connected with you! Contact us, Follow us, Come alongside us and Experience the S2S Movement.

Let’s crush this thing together!